Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

 Myo = muscle

Fascia = the main connective tissue in the body

Release = to let go, ease pressure

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a gentle yet powerful soft tissue technique which works on the Fascial System. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds every cell, muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel and organ in the body creating a three-dimensional web from head to toe. 

Like other body tissues, fascia can become dysfunctional by injury, overuse, and other trauma and stress. This can lead to myofascial restrictions which can be significantly improved by Myofascial Release Therapy. 

Fascial restrictions can have profound effects on the body. Myofacial Release is a valuable therapy for dealing with all sorts of dysfunction in the muscles and tissues, it has an amazing capacity for helping relieve muscle pain, and can help restore postural imbalances. 

You can easily book an appointment online

Myofascial Release Therapy 

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a gentle yet powerful soft tissue technique that works deeply into the body to ease long-term discomfort within the body’s soft tissues and restore alignment and mobility to muscles and joints.

MFR benefits both the most sensitive clients with chronic pain conditions and those with deep tissue restrictions from injury and overuse; it is a dynamic whole body approach which allows the release of physical and emotional tension. 

Self Myofascial Release Therapy (SMFR)

SMFR Therapy has the potential to increase joint range of movement, alleviate pain, improve self-awareness and reduce stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression.

Using a soft therapy ball and other tools, I will teach you how to raise your sense of self, known as interoceptive awareness, as well as performing Self Myofascial Release on key areas of your body. 

SMFR can be taught remotely via a video platform if required. One-to-one sessions or group sessions of up to 8 are available.

Scar Work

Scar Work is a gentle light touch therapy which works deeply into the body assisting the softening of scar tissue and adhesions following surgery or injury.

Scars are how the body repairs damage to fascia and muscles. They can be superficial (near the surface) or deep and most are both. The impact of scars can be far reaching, impacting the body in many ways including reduced mobility, restricted movement, hyper sensitivity and nerve impairment.

Scar Work is a gentle, pain-free approach and works to soften and release adhesions and restrictions improving mobility, functionality and appearance. 

Scars respond irrelevant of their age and the healing continues after the treatment. At Perfect Motion we work using a combination of Scar Work, Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.

For my latest video tutorials visit my facebook page

How Myofascial Release can help

Problems with posture:

Simple, everyday actions like sitting at a computer, driving, sitting or standing awkwardly can lead to a host of long-term issues.

Muscular knots:

These are tight bands of muscle and can be extremely painful. They may also contain trigger points which refer pain elsewhere. 

Physical and emotional holding patterns: 

Adapting your movements to accommodate an injury can become an uncomfortable habit.


Accidents and surgical procedures produce scarring, which can tug on the fascia causing more pain – often some distance from the original scar.

Chronic pain: 

MFR benefits the most sensitive clients with long-term conditions such as Fibromyalgia and those with deep tissue restrictions from injury and overuse.

Headaches & migraines: 

Working with the fascial system will ease tension and restrictions on the head and neck.

Unfamiliar with what Myofascial Release involves? Contact me and we can arrange a consultation to find out what works best for you.

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Myofascial Release Pricing

New Client

Up to 75 minutes


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Please note appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice may be charged at 50% of the full rate.

Existing Client

60 minutes


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Please note appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice may be charged at 50% of the full rate.

Alison is delighted to have been awarded Fascial Specialist of the Year 2022/2023

(Yorkshire) Prestige Awards.

Went for my usual sports massage today and decided to try the MFR well if you think it is a light touch think again! I really felt that it was doing some good (better than a massage in fact) so much so I have taken Alison’s advise and book as succession of treatments to get my back and shoulders sorted. Well worth it.


 Alison has helped me understand the cause of the pain, which the Myofascial Release treatment has effectively released.


I would just like to put in writing my thanks for your help in sorting out my back. As well as the prime area of soreness in my lower back you identified problem areas, in particular my left buttock and neck. I feel so much better, can move more easily and feel the only way is up.


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